Place of Service 24 – POS 24 in Medical Billing (2025)

Place of service or POS is the two-digit code used in medical billing, while one has to determine the location where the service was provided to the patient. Place of service 24 is used for ambulatory services or ambulatory surgical centre

These Place of service codes are usually used for insurance claims, therefore it is very necessary to use the correct code.

What is Place of Service 24?

As the insurance companies often need small reasons to deny the insurance claims, hence one has to be extremely careful while mentioning the place of service code in the medical form. All the one and two-digit codes stand for different situations and locations.

Place of Service 24 is a unique POS which among the 99 other Place of Service stands for a unique location too. 24 Place of service as a code POS24 is used when the service is provided in an “ambulatory surgical center”.

The place of service 24 is used to indicate the location when medical facilities like surgical and diagnostic services are made available to the patient in a freestanding place on an ambulatory basis.

In short, whenever a diagnostic service is performed in an ambulance the 24 Place of service code is used during the medical billing for the claim.

This two-digit code, i.eplace of service 24 is used mainly during emergencies like accidents or heart attacks, or something similar. In such instances, the time is limited and some of the other diagnoses should be immediately imposed.

Most of the time we’ll not find the best surgeons or doctors for such cases and it’s mainly their sub-part like nurses who perform these.

According to the CMS guidelines, the location where the service takes place is more important than where the interpretation takes place.

Therefore if a patient was provided with any service related to the Ambulatory surgical centre be it professional or facility services, the Place of Service 24 will be reported for a medical claim.

However, there is a difference in reporting professional and facility service. For professional service, one has to report POS 24 with HCFA 1500.

On the other hand for facility service, one has to use UB 04 along with POS24 code. Both of the services will have some services mentioned however the charges will be different.

How to Claim the Insurance?

In short, any kind of medical service that has been provided to the patient is related to ASC has to be claimed using code POS24.

Place of service codes is used for professional claims. Every insurance claim is unique and some take certain codes into account while others don’t. Therefore whenever we make a professional claim we should carefully read the details and then file them.

Private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid all understand these codes for insurance claims. To know about the Place of Service 24 and how it works in detail, one can find assistance from the Medicare administrative contractors.


Q1. What is the Place of Service 24?

Ans. The Place of service 24 is used to indicate the location when medical services like surgical and diagnostic services are made available to the patient in a free-standing place on an ambulatory basis.
In short, whenever a diagnostic service is performed in an ambulance the POS 24 is imposed.

Q2. How many “Place of Service codes” are in existence?

Ans. There are 99 “Place of service codes” present as of now which are all unique. They look similar but represent differently on the basis of locations.

Q3. Can a wrong “Place of Service code” lead to denial of a claim?

Ans. Yes, “Place of Service codes” is used for professional claims. POS is unique and some insurances take certain codes into account while others don’t.
One needs to be very specific while mentioning the Place of service code during the medical billing. Or else, they may face a denial of the claim from the insurance company.

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.