Newborn ICD 10 Codes in Medical Billing

The first day of life is referred to as a newborn. However, it can also refer to the first few days. A neonate is the infant’s first 28 days. An infant is 1 to 12 months old. There are multiple Newborn ICD 10 codes or infant ICD 10 code used in medical billing and coding as per their specifications.

Some examples of ICD 10 codes for Newborn listed are mention below.

Newborn ICD-10-CM CodesDescription of Newborn ICD 10 codes
A33  Tetanus neonatorum-billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
E84.11  Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis-  This code used to specify a medical diagnosis of meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis
H04.531  Neonatal obstruction of right nasolacrimal duct- This billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of neonatal obstruction of right nasolacrimal duct
H04.532  Neonatal obstruction of left nasolacrimal duct-This billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of neonatal obstruction of left nasolacrimal duct
H04.533  Neonatal obstruction of bilateral nasolacrimal duct- This code used to specify a medical diagnosis of neonatal obstruction of bilateral nasolacrimal duct
H04.539  Neonatal obstruction of unspecified nasolacrimal duct- H04.539 is a valid billable ICD-10  Dx code for Neonatal obstruction of unspecified nasolacrimal duct.
N47.0 A billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis  Adherent prepuce (newborn baby)
Z00.110  Health check for newborn baby under 8 days old baby
Z00.111  Health examination of newborn baby between 8 to 28 days old
Z05.0  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected cardiac condition .-This code is to be used for newborn babys, within the neonatal period (the first 28 days of life), who are suspected of having an abnormal condition, but without symptoms, and  after examination and observation, is ..
Z05.1  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected infectious condition. 
Z05.2  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected neurological condition.
Z05.3  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected respiratory condition .
Z05.41  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected genetic condition .
Z05.42  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected metabolic condition .
Z05.43  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected immunologic condition .
Z05.5  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected gastrointestinal condition .
Z05.6  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected genitourinary condition .
Z05.71  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected skin and subcutaneous tissue condition .
Z05.72  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected musculoskeletal condition .
Z05.73  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for suspected connective tissue condition .
Z05.8  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for other specified suspected condition .
Z05.9  Observation and evaluation of newborn baby for unspecified suspected condition .
Z38.00  Single liveborn infant delivered vaginally
Z38.01  Single liveborn infant delivered by cesarean
Z38.1  Single liveborn infant born outside hospital
Z38.2  Single liveborn infant unspecified as to place of birth
Z38.30  Twin liveborn infant delivered vaginally
Z38.31  Twin liveborn infant delivered by cesarean
Z38.4  Twin liveborn infant born outside hospital
Z38.5  Twin liveborn infant unspecified as to place of birth
Z38.61  Triplet liveborn infant delivered vaginally
Z38.62  Triplet liveborn infant delivered by cesarean
Z38.63  Quadruplet liveborn infant delivered vaginally
Z38.64  Quadruplet liveborn infant delivered by cesarean
Z38.65  Quintuplet liveborn infant delivered vaginally
Z38.66  Quintuplet liveborn infant delivered by cesarean
Z38.68  Other multiple liveborn infant delivered vaginally
Z38.69  Other multiple liveborn infant delivered by cesarean
Z38.7  Other multiple liveborn infant born outside hospital
Z38.8  Other multiple liveborn infant unspecified as to place of birth

Newborn ICD 10 codes are updated from authorized resources of information and American Hospital Association , if any discrepancy found please let us know via our contact us page, we will try to provide correct and useful information for education and guidance purpose.

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.