BCBS Prefix List QAA-QZZ (2025)

BCBS alpha prefix list QAA-OZZ. There are total of 121 alpha prefix in BCBS QAA-QZZ list and 25 are Not Assigned prefixes out of 121.

BCBS Alpha Prefix List QAA to QZZ

BCBS Prefix 2024BCBS Plan Name
QAABCBS of Tennessee
QABAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QACNo Prefix
QAEAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QAFNo Prefix
QAHPremera BCBS of Alaska
QAIAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QAJAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QAKBCBS of Alabama
QAMBCBS of Minnesota
QANBlue Shield of California
QAOAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QAPAnthem Blue-Cross
QAQAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QARAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QASNo Prefix
QATAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QAUBCBS of Alabama
QAVNo Prefix
QAWBCBS of Alabama
QAXAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QAYBCBS of Alabama
QAZBCBS of Tennessee
QBABCBS of Louisiana
QBBBCBS of Louisiana
QBCAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QBDNo Prefix
QBEBCBS of Louisiana
QBFNo Prefix
QBGBCBS of Louisiana
QBHAnthem Blue-Cross
QBINo Prefix
QBJNo Prefix
QBKNo Prefix
QBLBCBS of Minnesota
QBMNo Prefix
QBNIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QBONo Prefix
QBPEmpire BCBS of New York
QBQNo Prefix
QBREmpire BCBS of New York
QBSBCBS of Louisiana
QBTNo Prefix
QBUNo Prefix
QBVNo Prefix
QBWNo Prefix
QBXNo Prefix
QBYNo Prefix
QBZNo Prefix
QCAIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCBWellmark BCBS
QCCIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCDEmpire BCBS of New York
QCEIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCFBlue Shield of California
QCGIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCHIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCIIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCJIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCKIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCLIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCMNo Prefix
QCNIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCOIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCPWellmark BCBS
QCQNo Prefix
QCRIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCSBCBS of Massachusetts
QCTAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QCUBCBS of Minnesota
QCVBCBS of Minnesota
QCWEmpire BCBS of New York
QCXIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QCYAnthem Blue-Cross
QCZBCBS of Nebraska
QDAHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDBAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QDCHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDDHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDEHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDFHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDGAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QDHHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDINo Prefix
QDJHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDKAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QDLAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QDMHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDNHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDOHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDPHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDQHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDRHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDSHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDTAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QDUHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDVHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDWHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDXIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QDYHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QDZHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QEANo Prefix
QEBNo Prefix
QECNo Prefix
QEDAnthem Blue-Cross
QEEBlue Shield of California
QEFNo Prefix
QEGAnthem Blue-Cross
QEHBCBS of Alabama
QEINo Prefix
QEJBCBS of Western New York
QEKAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QELBCBS of Minnesota
QEMNo Prefix
QENPremera BCBS of Alaska
QEOBCBS of Michigan
QEPAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QEQAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QERAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QESIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QETNo Prefix
QEUNo Prefix
QEVNo Prefix
QEWAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QEXIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QEYAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QEZNo Prefix
QFANo Prefix
QFBNo Prefix
QFCBCBS of Nebraska
QFDWellmark BCBS
QFGNo Prefix
QFINo Prefix
QFKBCBS of Western New York
QFLNo Prefix
QFMAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QFNNo Prefix
QFONo Prefix
QFPPremera BCBS of Alaska
QFQNo Prefix
QFRNo Prefix
QFSAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QFTNo Prefix
QFUAnthem Blue-Cross
QFVAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QFWBCBS of Western New York
QFXAnthem Blue-Cross
QFYAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QFZNo Prefix
QGANo Prefix
QGBAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QGCBCBS of Western New York
QGDAnthem Blue-Cross
QGEBCBS of Alabama
QGFAnthem Blue-Cross
QGGAnthem Blue-Cross
QGHAnthem Blue-Cross
QGIAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QGJAnthem Blue-Cross
QGKAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QGLWellmark BCBS
QGMBlue-Cross of Idaho
QGNAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QGOAnthem Blue-Cross
QGPNo Prefix
QGQAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QGRAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QGSAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QGTWellmark BCBS
QGUBlue Shield of California
QGVAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QGWAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QGXBCBS of Alabama
QGYBCBS of Michigan
QGZBCBS of Michigan
QHPAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QHQAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QHRPremera BCBS of Alaska
QHTAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QHUPremera BCBS of Alaska
QHVBlue Shield of Northeastern New York
QHWAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QHXIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QHYNo Prefix
QHZAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QIAAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QIBBlue Shield of California
QIDBCBS of Michigan
QIEAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QIFBCBS of Rhode Island
QIGBCBS of Alabama
QIHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QIIBCBS of Michigan
QIJBCBS of Michigan
QIKWellmark BCBS
QILBCBS of Alabama
QIMNo Prefix
QINAnthem Blue-Cross
QIOBCBS of Michigan
QIPAnthem Blue-Cross
QIQBCBS of Michigan
QIRBCBS of Michigan
QISBCBS of Minnesota
QITAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QIUBCBS of Michigan
QIWHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QIXNo Prefix
QIYBCBS of Michigan
QIZBCBS of Michigan
QJAAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QJBBCBS of Western New York
QJDAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QJEBCBS of Rhode Island
QJFAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QJGBCBS of Michigan
QJHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QJIBCBS of Michigan
QJJBCBS of Michigan
QJKBCBS of Western New York
QJLBCBS of Michigan
QJMAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QJNBCBS of Michigan
QJOHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QJPHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QJQBCBS of Western New York
QJRBCBS of Michigan
QJSHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QJTAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QJUBCBS of Michigan
QJVAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QJWBCBS of Western New York
QJXBCBS of Michigan
QJYBCBS of Michigan
QJZBCBS of Michigan
QKAAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QKBAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QKCEmpire BCBS of New York
QKDAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKEAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKFBCBS of Michigan
QKGBCBS of Michigan
QKHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QKIBCBS of Michigan
QKJAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QKKBCBS of Michigan
QKLAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QKMAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKNAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKOBCBS of Michigan
QKPAnthem Blue-Cross
QKQBCBS of Michigan
QKRBCBS of Michigan
QKSHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QKTBlue Shield of Northeastern New York
QKUAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QKVAnthem Blue-Cross
QKWBCBS of Minnesota
QKXBCBS of Michigan
QKYBCBS of Michigan
QKZBCBS of Michigan
QLAEmpire BCBS of New York
QLBAnthem Blue-Cross
QLCBCBS of Alabama
QLDBCBS of Western New York
QLEAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QLFBCBS of Western New York
QLGBCBS of Alabama
QLHNo Prefix
QLIBCBS of South Carolina
QLJAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
QLKAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
QLLBCBS of Tennessee
QLMNo Prefix
QLNBCBS of Alabama
QHTAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QHUPremera BCBS of Alaska
QHVBlue Shield of Northeastern New York
QHWAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QHXIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QHYNo Prefix
QHZAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QIAAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QIBBlue Shield of California
QIDBCBS of Michigan
QIEAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QIFBCBS of Rhode Island
QIGBCBS of Alabama
QIHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QIIBCBS of Michigan
QIJBCBS of Michigan
QIKWellmark BCBS
QILBCBS of Alabama
QIMNo Prefix
QINAnthem Blue-Cross
QIOBCBS of Michigan
QIPAnthem Blue-Cross
QIQBCBS of Michigan
QIRBCBS of Michigan
QISBCBS of Minnesota
QITAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QIUBCBS of Michigan
QIWHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QIXNo Prefix
QIYBCBS of Michigan
QIZBCBS of Michigan
QJAAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QJBBCBS of Western New York
QJDAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QJEBCBS of Rhode Island
QJFAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QJGBCBS of Michigan
QJHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QJIBCBS of Michigan
QJJBCBS of Michigan
QJKBCBS of Western New York
QJLBCBS of Michigan
QJMAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QJNBCBS of Michigan
QJOHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QJPHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QJQBCBS of Western New York
QJRBCBS of Michigan
QJSHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QJTAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QJUBCBS of Michigan
QJVAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QJWBCBS of Western New York
QJXBCBS of Michigan
QJYBCBS of Michigan
QJZBCBS of Michigan
QKAAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QKBAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QKCEmpire BCBS of New York
QKDAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKEAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKFBCBS of Michigan
QKGBCBS of Michigan
QKHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QKIBCBS of Michigan
QKJAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QKKBCBS of Michigan
QKLAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QKMAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKNAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QKOBCBS of Michigan
QKPAnthem Blue-Cross
QKQBCBS of Michigan
QKRBCBS of Michigan
QKSHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QKTBlue Shield of Northeastern New York
QKUAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QKVAnthem Blue-Cross
QKWBCBS of Minnesota
QKXBCBS of Michigan
QKYBCBS of Michigan
QKZBCBS of Michigan
QLAEmpire BCBS of New York
QLBAnthem Blue-Cross
QLCBCBS of Alabama
QLDBCBS of Western New York
QLEAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QLFBCBS of Western New York
QLGBCBS of Alabama
QLHNo Prefix
QLIBCBS of South Carolina
QLJAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
QLKAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
QLLBCBS of Tennessee
QLMNo Prefix
QLNBCBS of Alabama
QLOWellmark BCBS
QLPEmpire BCBS of New York
QLQAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QLRAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QLSHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QLTAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QLUWellmark BCBS
QLWBCBS of Rhode Island
QLXAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QLZBCBS of Michigan
QMABCBS of Illinois
QMBBCBS of Illinois
QMCBCBS of Illinois
QMDBCBS of Illinois
QMEBCBS of Illinois
QMFBCBS of Illinois
QMGBCBS of Illinois
QMHNo Prefix
QMIBCBS of Tennessee
QMJBCBS of Tennessee
QMKNo Prefix
QMLPremera BCBS of Alaska
QMMNo Prefix
QMNBCBS of Western New York
QMOIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QMPNo Prefix
QMQCapital Blue-Cross of Pennsylvania
QMRAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QMSBlue Shield of California
QMTNo Prefix
QMUAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QMVHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QMWAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QMXAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QMZAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QNAAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
QNBAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QNCAnthem Blue-Cross
QNDNo Prefix
QNEBCBS of Massachusetts
QNFBCBS of Alabama
QNGAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QNHAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QNIBCBS of Michigan
QNJBCBS of Michigan
QNKBCBS of Michigan
QNLHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QNMNo Prefix
QNNBlue Shield of California
QNONo Prefix
QNPAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
QNQAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QNREmpire BCBS of New York
QNSNo Prefix
QNTPremera BCBS of Alaska
QNUAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QNVAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QNWBCBS of Western New York
QNXBCBS of Michigan
QNYBCBS of Michigan
QNZBCBS of Western New York
QOAAnthem BCBS of Indiana
QOBAnthem Blue-Cross
QOCHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QODBCBS of Michigan
QOEBCBS of Michigan
QOFBCBS of Michigan
QOGBCBS of Michigan
QOHAnthem Blue-Cross
QOIBCBS of North Carolina
QOJBCBS of Michigan
QOKBCBS of Michigan
QOLBCBS of Michigan
QONBCBS of Michigan
QOOBCBS of Michigan
QOPAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QOQBCBS of Michigan
QORBCBS of Michigan
QOSNo Prefix
QOTBCBS of Michigan
QOUBCBS of Michigan
QOVNo Prefix
QOWBCBS of Michigan
QOXNo Prefix
QOYBCBS of Michigan
QOZBCBS of Michigan
QPANo Prefix
QPBNo Prefix
QPCNo Prefix
QPDNo Prefix
QPENo Prefix
QPFNo Prefix
QPGNo Prefix
QPHNo Prefix
QPINo Prefix
QPKAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QPLNo Prefix
QPMAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QPOBlue-Cross of Idaho
QPPAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QPQBlue Shield of California
QPRWellmark BCBS
QPSAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QPTBCBS of Western New York
QPUNo Prefix
QPVEmpire BCBS of New York
QPWAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QPXAnthem Blue-Cross
QPYAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QPZAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QQAAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QQBAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QQCBlue Shield of California
QQGBCBS of Minnesota
QQHNo Prefix
QQIBCBS of Minnesota
QQJAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QQKBCBS of Minnesota
QQLBCBS of Minnesota
QQMAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QQNBCBS of Minnesota
QQOBCBS of Michigan
QQPAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QQQBCBS of Minnesota
QQSNo Prefix
QQUAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
QQVAnthem Blue-Cross
QQWAnthem Blue-Cross
QQXBCBS of Michigan
QQYBCBS of Michigan
QQZBCBS of Western New York
QRANo Prefix
QRBNo Prefix
QRCNo Prefix
QRDNo Prefix
QRENo Prefix
QRFNo Prefix
QRGAnthem Blue-Cross
QRHAnthem Blue-Cross
QRIAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QRJBCBS of Michigan
QRKAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QRLNo Prefix
QRMAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QRNAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QROBCBS of Michigan
QRPNo Prefix
QRQAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QRRAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRSAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRTAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRUAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRVAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRWAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRXAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRYAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QRZBlue Shield of Northeastern New York
QSANo Prefix
QSBNo Prefix
QSCNo Prefix
QSDNo Prefix
QSENo Prefix
QSFNo Prefix
QSGAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QSHEmpire BCBS of New York
QSIAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QSJAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QSKNo Prefix
QSLAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
QSMAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QSNAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QSONo Prefix
QSPIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QSQNo Prefix
QSRNo Prefix
QSSAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QSTNo Prefix
QSUAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QSVBCBS of Massachusetts
QSWAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QSXPremera BCBS of Alaska
QSYPremera BCBS of Alaska
QSZAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QTAAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QTBAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QTCAnthem Blue-Cross
QTDBCBS of Alabama
QTEAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QTFNo Prefix
QTHPremera BCBS of Alaska
QTINo Prefix
QTJBCBS of Rhode Island
QTKBCBS of Massachusetts
QTLAnthem Blue-Cross
QTOBCBS of Rhode Island
QTPAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QTQAnthem Blue-Cross
QTSAnthem BCBS of Kentucky
QTTAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QTUAnthem BCBS of Missouri
QTVPremera BCBS of Alaska
QTWNo Prefix
QTXHighmark BCBS of Delaware
QTYAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QTZAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QUAAnthem Blue-Cross
QUBAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
QUCAnthem Blue-Cross
QUDBCBS of Rhode Island
QUEWellmark BCBS
QUFAnthem Blue-Cross
QUGBCBS of Michigan
QUHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QUIBCBS of Michigan
QUJBCBS of Michigan
QULCarefirst BCBS
QUNBCBS of Rhode Island
QUOAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QUPAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QUQBCBS of Michigan
QURBCBS of Michigan
QUSNo Prefix
QUTBlue Shield of California
QUUBCBS of Michigan
QUVBCBS of Michigan
QUWAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QUXBCBS of Michigan
QUYBCBS of Michigan
QUZBCBS of Michigan
QVANo Prefix
QVBAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QVCNo Prefix
QVDBCBS of Michigan
QVENo Prefix
QVFNo Prefix
QVGAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QVHNo Prefix
QVIBCBS of Michigan
QVJBCBS of Michigan
QVKBCBS of Michigan
QVLBCBS of Alabama
QVMAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QVNNo Prefix
QVOBCBS of Michigan
QVPAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QVQBCBS of Michigan
QVRBCBS of Massachusetts
QVSAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QVTAnthem Blue-Cross
QVUBCBS of Michigan
QVVBCBS of Michigan
QVWBCBS of Michigan
QVXBCBS of Michigan
QVYBCBS of Michigan
QVZBCBS of Michigan
QWAAnthem Blue-Cross
QWBAnthem Blue-Cross
QWCAnthem Blue-Cross
QWDAnthem Blue-Cross
QWEAnthem Blue-Cross
QWFAnthem Blue-Cross
QWGAnthem Blue-Cross
QWHAnthem Blue-Cross
QWIBCBS of Minnesota
QWJBCBS of Western New York
QWKBCBS of Michigan
QWLAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QWMWellmark BCBS
QWNAnthem Blue-Cross
QWOBCBS of Michigan
QWPAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QWQBCBS of Michigan
QWRAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QWSAnthem Blue-Cross
QWTNo Prefix
QWUNo Prefix
QWVNo Prefix
QWWAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QWXAnthem BCBS of Maine
QWYBCBS of Wyoming
QWZNo Prefix
QXACarefirst BCBS
QXBCarefirst BCBS
QXCCarefirst BCBS
QXDCarefirst BCBS
QXECarefirst BCBS
QXFCarefirst BCBS
QXGCarefirst BCBS
QXHCarefirst BCBS
QXICarefirst BCBS
QXJIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania
QXKCarefirst BCBS
QXLCarefirst BCBS
QXMCarefirst BCBS
QXNCarefirst BCBS
QXOBCBS of Michigan
QXPCarefirst BCBS
QXQBCBS of Western New York
QXRCarefirst BCBS
QXSCarefirst BCBS
QXTCarefirst BCBS
QXUCarefirst BCBS
QXVNo Prefix
QXWNo Prefix
QXXBCBS of Massachusetts
QXYBCBS of Michigan
QXZNo Prefix
QYAHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QYBAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QYCHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QYDHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QYEHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QYFHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QYGHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QYHAnthem BCBS of Virginia
QYIBCBS of Michigan
QYJBCBS of Michigan
QYKBCBS of Michigan
QYLAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QYMBCBS of Western New York
QYNBCBS of Michigan
QYOBCBS of Michigan
QYPAnthem BCBS of Ohio
QYQBCBS of Michigan
QYRAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QYSAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QYUBCBS of Michigan
QYVBCBS of Michigan
QYWBCBS of Michigan
QYXNo Prefix
QYYBCBS of Michigan
QYZBCBS of Western New York
QZAHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QZBNo Prefix
QZCHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QZDHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QZENo Prefix
QZFNo Prefix
QZGBCBS of Western New York
QZHAnthem BCBS of Colorado
QZIBCBS of Michigan
QZJBCBS of Western New York
QZKBCBS of Western New York
QZLAnthem BCBS of Georgia
QZMEmpire BCBS of New York
QZNBCBS of Tennessee
QZONo Prefix
QZPBlue Shield of Northeastern New York
QZQBCBS of Western New York
QZRBCBS of Michigan
QZSAnthem BCBS of Nevada
QZTAnthem Blue-Cross
QZUNo Prefix
QZVBCBS of Michigan
QZWBCBS of Tennessee
QZXBCBS of Western New York
QZYNo Prefix
QZZBCBS of Michigan

In this guide, we have compiled an up-to-date reference of BCBS prefixes from QAA to QZZ, making it easier for you to recognize and understand different insurance coverages associated with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Whether you are an existing policyholder or considering enrolling in BCBS, having access to this prefix list can be invaluable in navigating the world of healthcare insurance.

Insurance Claim Address and Phone Number (A to Z)

BCBS Provider Phone Number and Claim Address

BCBS Alpha Prefix List

BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix List

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.