SSN is short form of Social Security Number, this is 9 digit unique number provided to every US citizen, resident or temporary resident. SSN is unique for every individual and it is also non transferable. SSN allocation by state list is updated as per latest updation which is as under
SSN is created in 1936 and the main purpose of creating these unique numbers is to tracking the earnings histories of U.S. workers but now this number is the main identification number of every US citizen.
The first 3 digits of an individual’s social security number are determined by the ZIP Code of the mailing address on the application for a social security number.
SSN is allocated on the basis of area and geographic details of citizen’s resident or address, so the below list you check the SSN allocation list area wise
SSN Allocation List Area wise:
SSN Area Number | Location |
001-003 | New Hampshire |
004-007 | Maine |
008-009 | Vermont |
010-034 | Massachusetts |
035-039 | Rhode Island |
040-049 | Connecticut |
050-134 | New York |
135-158 | New Jersey |
159-211 | Pennsylvania |
212-220 | Maryland |
221-222 | Delaware |
223-231 | Virginia |
232 | North Carolina |
232-236 | West Virginia |
237-246 | Not Issued |
247-251 | South Carolina |
252-260 | Georgia |
261-267 | Florida |
268-302 | Ohio |
303-317 | Indiana |
318-361 | Illinois |
362-386 | Michigan |
387-399 | Wisconsin |
400-407 | Kentucky |
408-415 | Tennessee |
416-424 | Alabama |
425-428 | Mississippi |
429-432 | Arkansas |
433-439 | Louisiana |
440-448 | Oklahoma |
449-467 | Texas |
468-477 | Minnesota |
478-485 | Iowa |
486-500 | Missouri |
501-502 | North Dakota |
503-504 | South Dakota |
505-508 | Nebraska |
509-515 | Kansas |
516-517 | Montana |
518-519 | Idaho |
520 | Wyoming |
521-524 | Colorado |
525,585 | New Mexico |
526-527 | Arizona |
528-529 | Utah |
530,680 | Nevada |
531-539 | Washington |
540-544 | Oregon |
545-573 | California |
574 | Alaska |
575-576 | Hawaii |
577-579 | District of Columbia |
580 | Virgin Islands |
580-584 | Puerto Rico |
586 | Guam |
586 | American Samoa |
586 | Philippine Islands |
587-665 | Not Issued |
667-679 | Not Issued |
681-690 | Not Issued |
691-699 | Not Issued |
700-728 | Railroad Board** |
729-733 | Enumeration at Entry |
750-772 | Not Issued |
SSN allocation list is updated from authorized web portals of USA Healthcare information like and, etc.
Note- **700-728 Issuance to railroad employees was discontinued July 1, 1963. Any number start with 000 never be valid.
Ans. The Social Security Act was signed by FDR on 08/14/1935. The taxes were collected for the first time in January 1937 and the first one-time, lump-sum payments were made that same month. Regular monthly benefits started in Jan1940.
Ans. This word “social security” was used 1st time in the U.S. by Abraham Epstein in connection with his group, the American Association for Social Security. Originally, the Social Security Act of 1935 was named the Economic Security Act, but this was changed during Congressional consideration of the bill.
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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.