Railroad Medicare Prefix List 2025

The Medicare insurance program covers railroad working personals like workers under the social security of other departments. Railroad Medicare prefix is important for patients who enrolled under this plan as example secured under COBRA

A portion of railroad retirement tier I and social security payroll taxes paid by employees and employers finances Medicare. It is also financed in part by monthly premiums paid by enrollees.

CMS- Centre for Medicare and Medicaid is the agency to handle the Medicare program. The Rail Road Retirement Board (RRB) enrolls rail road retirement beneficiaries in this program, deducts Medicare premiums from monthly benefit payments, and assists in other ways.

Railroad Medicare Prefix List

Railroad Medicare PrefixPrefix Description
ARailroad retiree – file established when the employee was alive
MASpouse of the Railroad retiree
MHSpouse of the retiree – employee on Railroad pension when Act passed in 1937
HEmployee on Railroad pension when Act passed in 1937
WAWidow(er) of the retiree – file established when the employee was alive
WHWidow(er) – employee on Railroad pension when Act passed in 1937
WDWidow(er) of the retiree – file established after the retiree deceased
WCADisabled child of the retiree – file established while the retiree was alive
WCDDisabled child of the retiree – file established after the retiree deceased
WCHSurvivor of disabled child, of retiree – on Railroad pension when Act passed in 1937
CADisabled child of the retiree – file established when the employee was alive
PASurvivor parent – file established while employee was alive
PDSurvivor parent – file established after employee deceased
PHSurvivor parent – employee on Railroad pension when Act passed in 1937

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Information Source

Rail Road Medicare official website

Expert at medical billing and RCM
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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.