TC Modifier Description- Technical Component (2025))

If you have recently come across the Modifier TC and are wondering what it is about, then there’s no need to ponder upon it as we are going to discuss the same here. 

It is a technical amulgamation that deals with a physician component and a technical component together, while the technical component goes well with specific procedures. 

When Modifier TC is used, it identifies the technical component, while in other words, Technical Component (TC) is assigned when the physician does not own the equipment or facilities or employs a technician for the purpose. 

More about TC Modifier :

As now you know the definition of TC Modifier , let’s find out some more details about it. The use of modifier TC takes place when the physician performs the test but does not do the interpretation. 

This modifier is to be reported in the first field of the modifier. The technical component procedures are institutional and cannot be billed separately by the physician. 

Moreover, the technical component payment portion of the test includes the practice expense along with the malpractice one. 

What is the appropriate usage of TC Modifier ?

The appropriate usage of modifier TC involves, 

  • Billing for only the technician component for the test. 
  • When the provider makes the bill of the professional component on one line of the service. 

However, bills the technical component on a separate line of service.

  • Procedures which include 1 in the PC / TC field on the MPFSDB 
  • Procedures that fall into the services include medical care, injection, surgery, radiology, lab, radiation therapy, and an assistant surgeon. 


Q1. When the technical component procedures cannot be billed separately? 

Ans. The technical component procedures cannot be billed separately when it comes to the inpatient and outpatient locations. Also, when in a covered part they stay in a skilled nursing facility area.

Q2. When the procedures should not be reported with two modifiers and what are they? 

Ans. When a global service takes place, it should be coded without the modifiers. Make sure not to report the procedure code using both modifiers which include 26 and TC.

Q3. Which two modifiers are considered payment modifiers? 

Ans. The two modifiers that are considered as the payment modifiers include modifier 26 and modifier TC, while they should be reported first in the modifier field.

Modifiers List in Medical Billing

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.