Medicare insurance is the biggest federal insurance of the United States of America. Medicare insurance policy id identifies by its suffix. Medicare suffix should be alpha or alphanumeric.
Medicare Suffix List 2025
Medicare Suffix | Male/Female | Description |
A | M or F | Primary wage earner |
B | F | Aged wife, 1st claimant |
B1 | M | Husband, 1st claimant |
B2 | F | Young wife, 1st claimant |
B3 | F | Aged wife, 2nd claimant |
B4 | M | Aged husband, 2nd claimant |
B5 | F | Young wife, 2nd claimant |
B6 | F | Divorced wife, 1st claimant |
B7 | F | Young wife, 3rd claimant |
B8 | F | Aged wife, 3rd claimant |
B9 | F | Divorced wife, 2nd claimant |
BA | F | Wife age 62 or older, fourth claimant |
BD | F | Wife age 62 or older, fifth claimant |
BG | M | Husband age 62 or older, 3rd claimant |
BH | M | Husband age 62 or older, fourth claimant |
BJ | M | Husband age 62 or older, fifth claimant |
BK | F | Wife under age 62, fourth claimant |
BL | F | Wife under age 62, fifth claimant |
BN | F | Divorced wife, 3rd claimant |
BP | F | Divorced wife, fourth claimant |
BQ | F | Divorced wife, fifth claimant |
BT | M | Divorced husband, 2nd claimant |
BW | M | Young husband, 2nd claimant |
C1-C9 | M or F | Child (includes minor, student, or disabled child) |
CA-CK | M or F | Child (includes minor, student, or disabled child) |
CB | M or F | Child or grandchild, disabled or student |
D | F | Aged widow, 1st claimant |
D1 | M | Widower, 1st claimant |
D2 | F | Aged widow, 2nd claimant |
D3 | M | Widower, 2nd claimant |
D4 | F | Widow, remarried after age 60 |
D5 | M | Widower, remarried after age 60 |
D6 | F | Surviving divorced wife, 1st claimant |
D7 | F | Surviving divorced wife, 2nd claimant |
D8 | F | Aged widow, 3rd claimant |
D9 | F | Widow, remarried after age 60, 2nd claimant |
DA | F | Widow, remarried after age 60, 3rd claimant |
DC | M | Surviving divorced husband, 1st claimant |
DD | F | Widow age 60 or older, fourth claimant |
DG | F | Widow age 60 or older, fifth claimant |
DH | M | Widower age 60 or older, 3rd claimant |
DJ | M | Widower age 60 or older, fourth claimant |
DK | M | Widower age 60 or older, fifth claimant |
DL | F | Widow remarried after 60, fourth claimant |
DM | M | Surviving divorced husband, 2nd claimant |
DN | F | Widow remarried after 60, fifth claimant |
DP | M | Widower remarried, 2nd claimant |
DQ | M | Widower remarried, 3rd claimant |
DR | M | Widower remarried, fourth claimant |
DT | M | Widower remarried, fifth claimant |
DV | F | Surviving divorced wife, 3rd claimant |
DW | F | Surviving divorced wife, Fourth claimant |
DX | M | Surviving divorced husband, fourth claimant |
DY | F | Surviving divorced wife, fifth claimant |
DZ | F | Surviving divorced wife, fifth claimant |
E | F | Widowed mother, 1st claimant |
E1 | F | Surviving divorced mother, 1st claimant |
E2 | F | Widowed mother, 2nd claimant |
E3 | F | Surviving divorced mother, 2nd claimant |
E4 | M | Widower |
E5 | M | Surviving divorced father, 1st claimant |
E6 | M | Widower father, 2nd claimant |
E7 | F | Widowed mother, 3rd claimant |
E8 | F | Mother, fourth claimant |
E9 | M | Surviving divorced father, 2nd claimant |
EA | F | Mother, fifth claimant |
EB | F | Surviving divorced mother, 3rd claimant |
EC | F | Surviving divorced mother, fourth claimant |
ED | F | Surviving divorced mother, fifth claimant |
EF | M | Father, 3rd claimant |
EG | M | Father, fourth claimant |
EH | M | Father, fifth claimant |
EJ | M | Surviving divorced father, 3rd claimant |
EK | M | Surviving divorced father, fourth claimant |
EM | M | Surviving divorced father, fifth claimant |
F1 | M | Father |
F2 | F | Mother |
F3 | M | Stepfather |
F4 | F | Stepmother |
F5 | M | Adopting father |
F6 | F | Adopting mother |
F7 | M | 2nd alleged father |
F8 | F | 2nd alleged mother |
J1 | M or F | Primary prouty* entitled to deemed HIB, less than three quarters of coverage |
J2 | M or F | Primary prouty* entitled to deemed HIB, over two quarters of coverage |
J3 | M or F | Primary prouty* not entitled to deemed HIB, less than three quarters of coverage |
J4 | M or F | Primary prouty* not entitled to deemed HIB, over two quarters of coverage |
K1 | F | Prouty* wife entitled, less than three quarters |
K2 | F | Prouty* wife entitled, over two quarters |
K3 | F | Prouty* wife not entitled, less than three quarters |
K4 | F | Prouty* wife entitled, less than three quarters |
K5 | F | 2nd prouty* wife entitled, less than three quarters |
K6 | F | 2nd prouty* wife entitled, over two quarters |
K7 | F | 2nd prouty* wife not entitled, less than three quarters |
K8 | F | 2nd prouty* wife not entitled, over two quarters |
K9 | F | Entitled to HIB less than three quarters, 3rd claimant |
KA | F | Entitled to HIB three quarters or more, 3rd claimant |
KB | F | Not entitled to HIB less than three quarters, 3rd |
KC | F | Not entitled to HIB three quarters or more, 3rd claimant |
KD | F | Entitled to HIB less than three quarters, fourth claimant |
KE | F | Not entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fourth claimant |
KF | F | Not entitled to HIB less than three quarters, fourth claimant |
KG | F | Not entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fourth claimant |
KH | F | Entitled to HIB less than three quarters, fifth claimant |
KJ | F | Entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fifth claimant |
KL | F | Not entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fifth claimant |
KM | F | Not entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fifth claimant |
M | M or F | Uninsured, not qualified for deemed HIB |
M1 | M or F | Uninsured, qualified for but refused HIB |
T | M or F | Uninsured, entitled to HIB under deemed or renal provisions |
TA | M or F | MQGE**, primary claimant |
TB | M or F | MQGE** aged spouse, 1st claimant |
TC | M or F | MQGE** disabled adult child , 1st claimant |
TD | M or F | MQGE** aged widow(er), 1st claimant |
TE | M or F | MQGE** young widow(er), 1st claimant |
TF | M | MQGE** parent, male |
TH | M or F | MQGE** aged spouse, 3rd claimant |
TJ | M or F | MQGE** aged spouse, fourth claimant |
TK | M or F | MQGE** aged spouse, fifth claimant |
TL | M or F | MQGE** aged widow(er), 2nd claimant |
TM | M or F | MQGE** aged widow(er), 3rd claimant |
TN | M or F | MQGE** aged widow(er), fourth claimant |
TP | M or F | MQGE** aged widow(er), fifth claimant |
TQ | F | MQGE **parent, female |
TR | M or F | MQGE** young widow(er), 2nd claimant |
TS | M or F | MQGE** young widow(er), 3rd claimant |
TT | M or F | MQGE** young widow(er), fourth claimant |
TU | M or F | MQGE** young widow(er), fifth claimant |
TV | M or F | MQGE** disabled widow(er), fifth claimant |
TW | M or F | MQGE** disabled widow(er), 1st claimant |
TX | M or F | MQGE** disabled widow(er), 2nd claimant |
TY | M or F | MQGE** disabled widow(er), 3rd claimant |
TZ | M or F | MQGE** disabled widow(er), fourth claimant |
T2-T9 | M or F | Disabled child , 2nd to ninth claimant |
W | F | Disabled widow, 1st claimant |
W1 | M | Disabled widower, 1st claimant |
W2 | F | Disabled widow, 2nd claimant |
W3 | M | Disabled widower, 2nd claimant |
W4 | F | Disabled widow, 3rd claimant |
W5 | M | Disabled widower, 3rd claimant |
W6 | F | Disabled surviving divorced wife, 1st claimant |
W7 | F | Disabled surviving divorced wife, 2nd claimant |
W8 | F | Disabled surviving divorced wife, 3rd claimant |
W9 | F | Disabled widow, fourth claimant |
WB | M | Disabled widower, fourth claimant |
WC | F | Disabled surviving divorced wife, fourth claimant |
WF | F | Disabled widow, fifth claimant |
WG | M | Disabled widower, fifth claimant |
WJ | F | Disabled surviving divorced wife, fifth claimant |
WR | M | Disabled surviving divorced husband, 1st claimant |
WT | M | Disabled surviving divorced husband, 2nd claimant |
Medicare suffix is applied as per policyholder status like policyholder is the main insurance holder or dependent, it is in form of alpha or alphanumeric.
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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.