Medicare Suffix List with Description 2025

Medicare insurance is the biggest federal insurance of the United States of America. Medicare insurance policy id identifies by its suffix. Medicare suffix should be alpha or alphanumeric.

Medicare Suffix List 2025

Medicare SuffixMale/FemaleDescription
AM or FPrimary wage earner
BFAged wife, 1st claimant
B1MHusband, 1st claimant
B2FYoung wife, 1st claimant
B3FAged wife, 2nd claimant
B4MAged husband, 2nd claimant
B5FYoung wife, 2nd claimant
B6FDivorced wife, 1st claimant
B7FYoung wife, 3rd claimant
B8FAged wife, 3rd claimant
B9FDivorced wife, 2nd claimant
BAFWife age 62 or older, fourth claimant
BDFWife age 62 or older, fifth claimant
BGMHusband age 62 or older, 3rd claimant
BHMHusband age 62 or older, fourth claimant
BJMHusband age 62 or older, fifth claimant
BKFWife under age 62, fourth claimant
BLFWife under age 62, fifth claimant
BNFDivorced wife, 3rd claimant
BPFDivorced wife, fourth claimant
BQFDivorced wife, fifth claimant
BTMDivorced husband, 2nd claimant
BWMYoung husband, 2nd claimant
C1-C9M or FChild (includes minor, student, or disabled child)
CA-CKM or FChild (includes minor, student, or disabled child)
CBM or FChild or grandchild, disabled or student
DFAged widow, 1st claimant
D1MWidower, 1st claimant
D2FAged widow, 2nd claimant
D3MWidower, 2nd claimant
D4FWidow, remarried after age 60
D5MWidower, remarried after age 60
D6FSurviving divorced wife, 1st claimant
D7FSurviving divorced wife, 2nd claimant
D8FAged widow, 3rd claimant
D9FWidow, remarried after age 60, 2nd claimant
DAFWidow, remarried after age 60, 3rd claimant
DCMSurviving divorced husband, 1st claimant
DDFWidow age 60 or older, fourth claimant
DGFWidow age 60 or older, fifth claimant
DHMWidower age 60 or older, 3rd claimant
DJMWidower age 60 or older, fourth claimant
DKMWidower age 60 or older, fifth claimant
DLFWidow remarried after 60, fourth claimant
DMMSurviving divorced husband, 2nd claimant
DNFWidow remarried after 60, fifth claimant
DPMWidower remarried, 2nd claimant
DQMWidower remarried, 3rd claimant
DRMWidower remarried, fourth claimant
DTMWidower remarried, fifth claimant
DVFSurviving divorced wife, 3rd claimant
DWFSurviving divorced wife, Fourth claimant
DXMSurviving divorced husband, fourth claimant
DYFSurviving divorced wife, fifth claimant
DZFSurviving divorced wife, fifth claimant
EFWidowed mother, 1st claimant
E1FSurviving divorced mother, 1st claimant
E2FWidowed mother, 2nd claimant
E3FSurviving divorced mother, 2nd claimant
E5MSurviving divorced father, 1st claimant
E6MWidower father, 2nd claimant
E7FWidowed mother, 3rd claimant
E8FMother, fourth claimant
E9MSurviving divorced father, 2nd claimant
EAFMother, fifth claimant
EBFSurviving divorced mother, 3rd claimant
ECFSurviving divorced mother, fourth claimant
EDFSurviving divorced mother, fifth claimant
EFMFather, 3rd claimant
EGMFather, fourth claimant
EHMFather, fifth claimant
EJMSurviving divorced father, 3rd claimant
EKMSurviving divorced father, fourth claimant
EMMSurviving divorced father, fifth claimant
F5MAdopting father
F6FAdopting mother
F7M2nd alleged father
F8F2nd alleged mother
J1M or FPrimary prouty* entitled to deemed HIB, less than three quarters of coverage
J2M or FPrimary prouty* entitled to deemed HIB, over two quarters of coverage
J3M or FPrimary prouty* not entitled to deemed HIB, less than three quarters of coverage
J4M or FPrimary prouty* not entitled to deemed HIB, over two quarters of coverage
K1FProuty* wife entitled, less than three quarters
K2FProuty* wife entitled, over two quarters
K3FProuty* wife not entitled, less than three quarters
K4FProuty* wife entitled, less than three quarters
K5F2nd prouty* wife entitled, less than three quarters
K6F2nd prouty* wife entitled, over two quarters
K7F2nd prouty* wife not entitled, less than three quarters
K8F2nd prouty* wife not entitled, over two quarters
K9FEntitled to HIB less than three quarters, 3rd claimant
KAFEntitled to HIB three quarters or more, 3rd claimant
KBFNot entitled to HIB less than three quarters, 3rd
KCFNot entitled to HIB three quarters or more, 3rd claimant
KDFEntitled to HIB less than three quarters, fourth claimant
KEFNot entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fourth claimant
KFFNot entitled to HIB less than three quarters, fourth claimant
KGFNot entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fourth claimant
KHFEntitled to HIB less than three quarters, fifth claimant
KJFEntitled to HIB three quarters or more, fifth claimant
KLFNot entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fifth claimant
KMFNot entitled to HIB three quarters or more, fifth claimant
MM or FUninsured, not qualified for deemed HIB
M1M or FUninsured, qualified for but refused HIB
TM or FUninsured, entitled to HIB under deemed or renal provisions
TAM or FMQGE**, primary claimant
TBM or FMQGE** aged spouse, 1st claimant
TCM or FMQGE** disabled adult child , 1st claimant
TDM or FMQGE** aged widow(er), 1st claimant
TEM or FMQGE** young widow(er), 1st claimant
TFMMQGE** parent, male
THM or FMQGE** aged spouse, 3rd claimant
TJM or FMQGE** aged spouse, fourth claimant
TKM or FMQGE** aged spouse, fifth claimant
TLM or FMQGE** aged widow(er), 2nd claimant
TMM or FMQGE** aged widow(er), 3rd claimant
TNM or FMQGE** aged widow(er), fourth claimant
TPM or FMQGE** aged widow(er), fifth claimant
TQFMQGE **parent, female
TRM or FMQGE** young widow(er), 2nd claimant
TSM or FMQGE** young widow(er), 3rd claimant
TTM or FMQGE** young widow(er), fourth claimant
TUM or FMQGE** young widow(er), fifth claimant
TVM or FMQGE** disabled widow(er), fifth claimant
TWM or FMQGE** disabled widow(er), 1st claimant
TXM or FMQGE** disabled widow(er), 2nd claimant
TYM or FMQGE** disabled widow(er), 3rd claimant
TZM or FMQGE** disabled widow(er), fourth claimant
T2-T9M or FDisabled child , 2nd to ninth claimant
WFDisabled widow, 1st claimant
W1MDisabled widower, 1st claimant
W2FDisabled widow, 2nd claimant
W3MDisabled widower, 2nd claimant
W4FDisabled widow, 3rd claimant
W5MDisabled widower, 3rd claimant
W6FDisabled surviving divorced wife, 1st claimant
W7FDisabled surviving divorced wife, 2nd claimant
W8FDisabled surviving divorced wife, 3rd claimant
W9FDisabled widow, fourth claimant
WBMDisabled widower, fourth claimant
WCFDisabled surviving divorced wife, fourth claimant
WFFDisabled widow, fifth claimant
WGMDisabled widower, fifth claimant
WJFDisabled surviving divorced wife, fifth claimant
WRMDisabled surviving divorced husband, 1st claimant
WTMDisabled surviving divorced husband, 2nd claimant

Medicare suffix is applied as per policyholder status like policyholder is the main insurance holder or dependent, it is in form of alpha or alphanumeric.

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.