BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix A2A-A9Z (2025)

BCBS Alpha numeric Prefix A2A to A9Z is updated from authorized and trusted resources and based on latest information. BCBS Prefix Lookup 2025 is updated as below,

BCBS Prefix 2025BCBS Plan Name
A2ABCBS of Texas
A2BBCBS of Texas
A2CBCBS of Illinois
A2DBCBS of Texas
A2EBCBS of Texas
A2FBCBS of Texas
A2GBCBS of Illinois
A2HBCBS of Texas
A2ICapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2JBCBS of Illinois
A2KCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2LCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2MCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2NCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2OCarefirst BCBS
A2PCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2QHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A2RCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2SCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A2TPremera BlueCross of Alaska
A2UHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
A2VCarefirst BCBS
A2WHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
A2XCarefirst BCBS
A2YBCBS of Texas
A2ZCarefirst BCBS
A3ABCBS of Massachusetts
A3BCarefirst BCBS
A3CArkansas BCBS
A3DCarefirst BCBS
A3ECapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A3FCarefirst BCBS
A3GBCBS of Illinois
A3HCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A3ICapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A3JBCBS of Illinois
A3KBCBS of Texas
A3LHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
A3MRegence BCBS
A3NBCBS of Illinois
A3OCarefirst BCBS
A3PBCBS of Minnesota
A3QHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A3RCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A3SCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A3TBCBS of Texas
A3UCarefirst BCBS
A3VHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
A3WBCBS of Minnesota
A3XCarefirst BCBS
A3YBCBS of Texas
A3ZHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A4ACarefirst BCBS
A4BCarefirst BCBS
A4CRegence BCBS
A4DBCBS of Illinois
A4ECapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A4FBCBS of Michigan
A4GCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A4HCarefirst BCBS
A4ICarefirst BCBS
A4JBCBS of Illinois
A4KHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A4LCarefirst BCBS
A4MCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A4NCarefirst BCBS
A4OCarefirst BCBS
A4PBCBS of Illinois
A4QCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A4RCarefirst BCBS
A4SRegence BCBS
A4TRegence BCBS
A4UCarefirst BCBS
A4VCarefirst BCBS
A4WCarefirst BCBS
A4XCarefirst BCBS
A4YHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A4ZCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5ACarefirst BCBS
A5BCarefirst BCBS
A5CCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5DCarefirst BCBS
A5ECapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5FCarefirst BCBS
A5GCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5HCarefirst BCBS
A5ICarefirst BCBS
A5JCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5KCarefirst BCBS
A5LBCBS of Vermont
A5MRegence BCBS
A5NCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5OCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5PCarefirst BCBS
A5QCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A5RAnthem Blue-Cross
A5SBCBS of Tennessee
A5TCarefirst BCBS
A5UCarefirst BCBS
A5VCarefirst BCBS
A5WHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A5XUnallocated/Not Assigned
A5YHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
A5ZCarefirst BCBS
A6AAnthem BCBS of Georgia
A6BCarefirst BCBS
A6CRegence BCBS
A6DBCBS of Illinois
A6ECapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A6FBCBS of Illinois
A6GCarefirst BCBS
A6HCarefirst BCBS
A6ICapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A6JCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A6KCarefirst BCBS
A6LCarefirst BCBS
A6MAnthem BCBS of Virginia
A6NCarefirst BCBS
A6OCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A6PBCBS of Minnesota
A6QAnthem Blue-Cross
A6RCarefirst BCBS
A6SCarefirst BCBS
A6TCarefirst BCBS
A6UCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A6VCarefirst BCBS
A6WCarefirst BCBS
A6XCarefirst BCBS
A6YCarefirst BCBS
A6ZAnthem BCBS of Nevada
A7ACarefirst BCBS
A7BCarefirst BCBS
A7CRegence BCBS
A7DCarefirst BCBS
A7ERegence BCBS
A7FCarefirst BCBS
A7GBCBS of Illinois
A7HCarefirst BCBS
A7ICarefirst BCBS
A7JCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A7KBCBS of Illinois
A7LAnthem BCBS of Indiana
A7MBCBS of Illinois
A7NCarefirst BCBS
A7OCarefirst BCBS
A7PCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A7QCarefirst BCBS
A7RCarefirst BCBS
A7SBCBS of Massachusetts
A7TBCBS of Vermont
A7UCarefirst BCBS
A7VCarefirst BCBS
A7WCarefirst BCBS
A7XBCBS of North Dakota
A7YCarefirst BCBS
A7ZAnthem BCBS of Virginia
A8ABCBS of Minnesota
A8BBCBS of Illinois
A8CBCBS of Illinois
A8DAnthem Blue-Cross
A8ECarefirst BCBS
A8FHighmark Blue-Shield of Pennsylvania
A8GAnthem Blue-Cross
A8HCarefirst BCBS
A8IAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8JCarefirst BCBS
A8KHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
A8LHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
A8MAnthem BCBS of Virginia
A8NCarefirst BCBS
A8OAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8PCapital BlueCross of Pennsylvania
A8QAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8RBCBS of Texas
A8SAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8TBCBS of Illinois
A8UAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8VAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8WCarefirst BCBS
A8XCarefirst BCBS
A8YAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A8ZAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A9AAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A9BRegence BCBS
A9CAnthem BCBS of Connecticut
A9DBCBS of Minnesota
A9EBCBS of Illinois
A9FBCBS of Minnesota
A9GRegence BCBS
A9HBCBS of Minnesota
A9IAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
A9JCarefirst BCBS
A9KBCBS of Minnesota
A9LBCBS of Minnesota
A9MAnthem BCBS of Colorado
A9NBCBS of Minnesota
A9OAnthem BCBS of Virginia
A9PPremera BCBS of Alaska
A9QAnthem Blue-Cross
A9RCarefirst BCBS
A9SCarefirst BCBS
A9TAnthem BCBS of Virginia
A9UAnthem Blue-Cross
A9VBCBS of Illinois
A9WBCBS of Massachusetts
A9XBCBS of Texas
A9YAnthem Blue-Cross
A9ZHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
BCBS alpha numeric prefix A2A to A9Z

BCBS alpha numeric prefix A2A to A9Z is updated as per received latest information from authorized sources or websites of BCBS insurance and other reputed online portals. If any discrepancy found please let us know via the contact us page, we are committed to providing correct and genuine information. For complete Anthem Prefix List 2025 please visit our BCBS category page.

BCBS Alpha Prefix List

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.