Anatomy and physiology are two most important subjects of the life sciences. Anatomy explain the external and internal structures of the body and their physical relationship, and in physiology study of the functions of body parts and their structures. Anatomy and Physiology prefix and suffix list contain all terms and their respective descriptions, it will help you to understand the terms used in Medical or in life science language.
Human bodies are divided into two main regions
1- Axial- The axial part consists head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis.
2- Appendicular- The appendicular part consists of upper and lower extremities. The upper extremities include the shoulders, forearms, upper arms, hands, wrists, and whereas the lower extremities include the hips, thighs, lower legs, ankles, and feet.
The anatomy and physiology prefix and suffix list based on these axial and appendicular parts. The updated list is as below.
Prefix/Suffix | Description with Example |
a | without or absence of ,Eg: asepsis, avascular tissue |
ab | away from ,Eg: abduction |
acro | top or end,Eg: acromion process |
ad | to or towards ,Eg: adduction, adductor muscle |
aesth | feeling ,Eg: anesthesia |
algia | pain ,Eg: neuralgia |
ambi | both ,Eg: ambidexterous |
amubl | walk ,Eg: ambulatory |
an | without ,Eg: anaerobic respiration |
ante | before, in front of ,Eg: antecerebellar |
anti | against ,Eg: antibacterial, antibiotic, antidepressant |
append | to hang something ,Eg: appendicular |
ase | enzyme ,Eg: amylase, lipase, carboxypeptidase |
aud | hear ,Eg: auditory |
aug | increase ,Eg: augmentation |
auto | self ,Eg: autoimmune disorder |
bi | two ,Eg: bicuspid valve, bipolar disorder, bisexual |
blast | budding ,Eg: osteoblasts, blastocyst |
brady | slow ,Eg: bradycardia |
bronch | windpipe ,Eg: bronchus |
carcin | cancer ,Eg: carcinoma, carcinogen |
cardi | heart ,Eg: pericardium, cardiac |
carp | wrist ,Eg: carpals |
centesis | surgical puncture ,Eg:amniocentesis, thoracentesis |
cephal | head ,Eg: cephalic artery |
cidal | killing ,Eg: gemacidal |
clast | broken ,Eg: osteoclasts |
cleav | to divide ,Eg: cleavage |
contra | against ,Eg: contraceptive device, contralateral |
corpus | body ,Eg: corpus callosum |
cut | skin ,Eg: subcutaneous |
cyst | bladder ,Eg: cystoscopy |
cyt | cell ,Eg: cytology |
cyte | cell ,Eg: osteocyte, leukocyte, erythrocyte |
dendr | tree ,Eg: dendrite |
dent | tooth ,Eg: dentist, dentition |
derm | skin ,Eg: dermis |
di | two ,Eg: disaccharide |
diastol | dilation ,Eg: diastole, diastolic |
dis | to undo; free from ,Eg: dislocation, disorder |
dors | back ,Eg: dorsal |
dur | hard ,Eg: dura mater |
ecto | outside ,Eg: ectopic pregnancy |
ectomy | excision or surgical removal ,Eg: appendectomy, hysterectomy |
embol | stopper ,Eg: embolism |
emia | blood condition, something in the blood ,Eg: hypercholesterolemia |
encephal | brain ,Eg: encephalitis, encephalogram |
endo | within ,Eg: endoplasmic reticulum, endoderm |
enter | intestines ,Eg: enterococcal infection |
epi | upon ,Eg: epithelial tissue, epicardium, epidermal |
erythr | red ,Eg: erythrocyte |
exo | outside ,Eg: exocrine gland, exoskeleton |
extra | outside ,Eg: extracellular |
fiss | split ,Eg: fissure |
flex | bend ,Eg: flexors |
fol | leaf ,Eg: folate, folic acid |
gangli | a swelling ,Eg: ganglion |
gastr | stomach ,Eg: gastric gland, gastroscopy |
gen | substances that produce or cause ,Eg: carcinogen, antigen |
genic | producing or causing ,Eg: carcinogenic |
germ | to bud or sprout ,Eg: germinal epithelium |
gest | carry ,Eg: gestational |
glia | glue ,Eg: neuroglia |
glomer | cluster ,Eg: glomerulus |
glot | language ,Eg: glottis, epiglottis |
glyc | sweet ,Eg: glycogen, glycoprotein |
gno | know ,Eg: diagnosis |
gram | something written ,Eg: echocardiogram |
gust | taste gustatory nerve |
gyn | woman ,Eg: gynecologist |
hema | blood ,Eg: hematoma |
hepat | liver ,Eg: hepatic duct, hepatitis, hepatocyte |
homeo | same ,Eg: homeostasis |
humor | fluid ,Eg: humoral, aqueous humor |
hydr | water ,Eg: hydrostatic pressure, hydrocephaly |
hyper | above ,Eg: hypertonic |
hypo | below ,Eg: hypotonic |
hyster | uterus ,Eg: hysterectomy |
ia | condition of diseased or abnormal state ,Eg: ischemia |
im | not ,Eg: imbalance, impotence |
infra | under; below ,Eg: infraorbital foramen |
inter | between ,Eg: interphase, intercostal muscle |
intra | inside ,Eg: intramembranous ossification, intracellular fluid |
ism | state of ,Eg: hyperthyroidism |
iso | equal ,Eg: isotonic, isometric |
itis | inflammation ,Eg: myocarditis |
kal | potassium ,Eg: hyperkalemia |
lact | milk ,Eg: lactation |
lat | wide ,Eg: latissumus dorsi |
leuko | white ,Eg: leukocyte |
lig | bind ,Eg: ligament |
lin | line ,Eg: linea alba |
lip | fat ,Eg: lipids |
logy | study of ,Eg: physiology, biology |
macro | large ,Eg: macrobiotic, macrocephaly, macrophage |
mal | bad ,Eg: malformation, malady |
mand | place in hands ,Eg: mandible |
mania | madness or insane desire ,Eg: egomania |
mater | mother ,Eg: dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid mater |
megaly | enlargement ,Eg: acromegaly |
melan | black ,Eg: melanin, melanocyte |
mening | membrane ,Eg: meninges |
meso | middle ,Eg: mesoderm |
meta | after ,Eg: metacentric chromosome, metacarpals |
micro | small ,Eg: microbiology, microvilli |
mict | to pass urine ,Eg: micturition |
mono | one ,Eg: monosaccharide |
morb | illness ,Eg: morbidity |
morph | shape or form ,Eg: polymorhic neutrophils |
mort | death ,Eg: mortal wound, mortuary science, mortician |
multi | many ,Eg: multifactorial, multinucleate cells |
mut | change ,Eg: mutation, mutagen |
myo | muscle ,Eg: myofibril, myoglobin |
necr | death ,Eg: necrotic tissue |
neo | new ,Eg: neonatal |
nephr | kidney ,Eg: nephron |
neur | nerve ,Eg: neuron, neurohypophysis |
noct | night ,Eg: nocturia |
ocul | eye ,Eg: ocular nerve |
olfact | to smell ,Eg: olfactory bulbs |
oligo | few ,Eg: oligodendrites |
ologist | one who studies and practices ,Eg: cardiologist, gynecologist |
oma | tumor or swelling ,Eg: carcinoma |
oo | egg or ovum ,Eg: oocyte |
opia | vision ,Eg: myopia |
opsy | to view ,Eg: autopsy |
opthalm | eye ,Eg: ophthalmologist |
orrhea | flow excessive discharge ,Eg: amenorrhea, gonorrhea |
ortho | correct ,Eg: orthopedics |
osis | abnormal increase in production ,Eg: leukocytosis |
oss | bone ,Eg: osseous tissue |
oste | bone ,Eg: osteoblasts |
ostomy | creation of an artificial opening ,Eg: ileostomy |
otomy | cut into or incision ,Eg: appendectomy |
oxia | oxygen ,Eg: anoxia |
palp | feel or touch ,Eg: palpate |
para | beside ,Eg: parathyroid glands |
patho | disease ,Eg: pathogen, pathology,pathophysiology |
pathy | disease ,Eg: cardiomyopathy |
pector | chest ,Eg: pectoralis major |
pedi | child ,Eg: pediatrician |
ped | foot ,Eg: pedicle |
peri | surrounding ,Eg: pericardial, perianal, periaortic |
phag | to eat ,Eg: Phagocytosis, phagocyte |
phil | love or tendency toward ,Eg: hydrophilic |
phleb | vein ,Eg: phlebitis, phlebotomy |
phys | nature ,Eg: physician |
pino | to drink ,Eg: Pinocytosis |
plasm | substance ,Eg: cytoplasm |
pleur | rib ,Eg: pleural membrane, pleural fluid |
pneum | breath ,Eg: pneumonia |
pod | foot ,Eg: podiatrist |
poly | many ,Eg: polyunsaturated, polydactyly |
post | after ,Eg: posttraumatic stress, postnasal drip |
pre | before ,Eg: premature, prenatal |
proct | rectum ,Eg: proctological exam, proctologist |
pseudo | false ,Eg: pseudostratified epithelium, pseudodementia |
psych | mind ,Eg: psychiatrist |
pylor | gatekeeper ,Eg: pyloric sphincter |
pyr | fever or fire ,Eg: pyrogens |
rect | straight ,Eg: abdominus rectus |
ren | kidney ,Eg: renal failure, renin |
retro | back or behind ,Eg: retro-virus, retrosternal |
rhea | flow or gush ,Eg: amenorrhea, galactorrhea |
rupt | burst ,Eg: ruptured appendix |
sacchar | sugar ,Eg: monosaccharides |
sarco | flesh ,Eg: sarcoplasm, sarcolemma |
sat | enough ,Eg: saturated |
scend | climb ,Eg: ascend, descend |
scler | hard ,Eg: sclera, sclerotic veins, scleroderma |
sclerosis | hardening ,Eg: multiple sclerosis |
scope | instrument used for visual examination ,Eg: gastroscope |
scopy | visual examination ,Eg: colonoscopy |
sect | cut ,Eg: dissect, transect, bisect |
semi | half ,Eg: semilunar valves, semicircular canal |
sepsis | infection ,Eg: urosepsis |
sept | poison, from rot ,Eg: septic, septicemia |
somat | body ,Eg: somatic cells |
spasm | sudden involuntary muscle contraction ,Eg: muscle spasm |
spir | breathe ,Eg: respiration, spirometer |
squam | scale ,Eg: squamous epithelium |
stasis | standing still ,Eg: homeostasis |
strat | layer ,Eg: pseudostratified columnar epithelium |
sub | under or below ,Eg: subarachnoid space, subclavian artery |
super | over or above ,Eg: superior vena cava |
syn | together or joined ,Eg: synthesis, syndrome |
systol | contraction ,Eg: systole, systolic pressure |
tachy | rapid ,Eg: tachycardia |
tact | touch ,Eg: tactile |
tend | stretch ,Eg: tendon |
tetra | four ,Eg: tetracycline, tetraiodothyronine |
throm | clot ,Eg: thrombocyte, thrombolitic agent |
thyr | thyroid gland ,Eg: thyroidectomy |
tomy | cutting ,Eg: anatomy, appendectomy |
tox | poison ,Eg: toxicology |
trans | through, across, beyond ,Eg: transfusion, transmission |
tri | three ,Eg: triglyceride, triiodothyronine |
uni | one ,Eg: unipolar neurons |
ventr | belly or stomach ,Eg: ventricle, ventral view |
vill | hair ,Eg: villi, microvilli |
Note- Eg refers Example
If you wanted to start a career in medical billing and coding or any other medical-related profession understanding the anatomy and physiology terms is compulsory. Anatomy and Physiology prefix and suffix list updated based on the latest information received from authentic sources and web portals. If there is any discrepancy please let us know via the contact us page. |
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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.