Wheezing ICD 10 Code R06.2 (2024)

Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound produced during breathing that is usually caused by narrowed or inflamed airways.  Causes may include allergies, smoking and exposure to environmental irritants. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Through today’s article, we are going to talk about all the topics related to wheezing.

What is wheezing ?

Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that is heard when inhaling and usually when exhaling. It is caused by narrowing of the airways due to swelling, inflammation or contraction of the muscles surrounding the airways.  It can also be caused by physical exertion, anxiety, or exposure to irritating substances such as smoke or pollution. Wheezing may be accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness and difficulty breathing and may require medical evaluation and treatment.

Wheezing ICD10 Codes List 2023

The below mentioned ICD10 codes are related to wheezing as well.

  1. R06.2 Wheezing: Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound produced during breathing, often associated with narrowed airways.
  2. R05.8 Other specified cough: This code is used to indicate cases of cough with specific characteristics or underlying causes not covered by other more defined codes.
  3. R05.9 Cough, unspecified: This code is used when a patient presents with a cough, but the specific cause or nature is not identified.
  4. R06 Abnormalities of breathing: This is a general code indicating the presence of any abnormal breathing patterns or issues.
  5. R06.0 Dyspnea, unspecified: Dyspnea refers to difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. This code is used when the cause of the dyspnea is not specified.
  6. R06.01 Orthopnea: Orthopnea is shortness of breath that occurs when lying flat. It’s often a symptom of heart or lung conditions.
  7. R06.02 Shortness of breath: This code is used for general shortness of breath without specifying further details.
  8. R06.03 Acute respiratory distress: This refers to a sudden and severe difficulty in breathing, often seen in critical medical situations.
  9. R06.09 Other forms of dyspnea: This code covers dyspnea cases that don’t fit the other specified categories.
  10. R06.1 Stridor: Stridor is a high-pitched, noisy breathing sound usually due to an obstruction or narrowing in the airway.
  11. R06.3 Periodic breathing: Periodic breathing involves cycles of regular breathing followed by temporary stoppages or changes in the breathing pattern.
  12. R06.4 Hyperventilation: Hyperventilation is rapid or deep breathing that can lead to decreased carbon dioxide levels in the blood, causing symptoms like dizziness and tingling.
  13. R06.5 Mouth breathing: This code indicates breathing primarily through the mouth rather than the nose.
  14. R06.6 Hiccough: Hiccough (or “hiccup”) is an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm muscle followed by a sudden closure of the vocal cords, producing a distinct sound.
  15. R06.7 Sneezing: This code is used for frequent or severe sneezing cases.
  16. R06.8 Other breathing abnormalities: This is a catch-all code for breathing abnormalities not covered by the previous codes.
  17. R06.81 Apnea, not elsewhere classified: Apnea refers to a temporary cessation of breathing. This code is used when other codes don’t cover a specific type of apnea.
  18. R06.82 Tachypnea, not elsewhere classified: Tachypnea is abnormally rapid breathing. This code is used when the tachypnea doesn’t fall into other specified categories.
  19. R06.83 Snoring: This code is used for cases of loud breathing sounds during sleep due to the vibration of tissues in the throat.
  20. R06.89 Other breathing abnormalities: Similar to R06.8, this code covers breathing abnormalities not classified by the other codes provided.

Also can check on ICD10 Codes lookup Tool

Causes of wheezing

Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs during breathing and can indicate an underlying respiratory problem. Here are some common causes of wheezing:-

● A chronic respiratory condition where the airways become inflamed, making it difficult to breathe.

● An allergic reaction to airborne irritants such as dust, pollen, or pet dander can cause wheezing.

● Viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract can cause wheezing.

● Bronchiectasis A condition where the airways become permanently widened and can cause wheezing.

Symptoms of wheezing

Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs during breathing, usually when air flows through narrowed or constricted airways. Here are six common symptoms of wheezing:-

● Whistling or wheezing sound while breathing, especially while exhaling.

● Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity or exertion.

● Chest tightness or feeling of pressure in the chest.

● Cough, especially at night or in the morning.

●Rapid breathing or shallow breathing.

● Fatigue or weakness, which may be due to difficulty in breathing.

Note:- Wheezing can be a symptom of many conditions including asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and COPD. If you and any person you know who experience wheezing or other respiratory symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention.

How to protect ourself from wheezing ?

Wheezing can be a common symptom of various respiratory conditions, such as asthma, allergies and infections. To protect yourself from wheezing, identify and avoid triggers that can cause wheezing, such as allergies, smoke, and air pollution. Additionally keep your environment clean, cleaning your home regularly to reduce exposure to dust, mold and pet hair. To keep your airways moist and reduce the chances of wheezing, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep to keep your respiratory health healthy.

Effects of wheezing on our body

The high-pitched whistling sound that comes out of the mouth during breathing is called wheezing, this sound is produced due to the contraction of the airways in the lungs. This wheezing has many negative effects on the body, including shortness of breath, tightness or tightness in the chest, coughing and difficulty in breathing.

These symptoms of wheezing can lead to reduced physical activity or fatigue, impair quality of life and substantially increase the risk of respiratory infections.

Home remedies for Wheezing

Steam inhalation: Inhaling steam can help loosen mucus in the airways, making it easier to breathe. Boil water, pour it into a bowl, and inhale the steam by placing your face over the bowl and covering your head with a towel.

Ginger: Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the airways. Add ginger to your diet or make ginger tea by steeping sliced ginger in hot water.

Honey: Honey is a natural cough suppressant and can help relieve wheezing. Mix a spoonful of honey in warm water or tea and drink it several times a day.

Turmeric: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the airways. Add turmeric to your food or mix it with warm milk and honey to make a soothing drink.


Q1. How to cure wheezing permanently?

Ans. Treatment options include medications such as bronchodilators and corticosteroids, as well as lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers and quitting smoking. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Q2. How to stop wheezing immediately ?

Ans. Wheezing can be experienced due to many factors including asthma, allergies and respiratory infections. To stop wheezing immediately, try sitting up straight, taking slow, deep breaths, drinking warm water or tea, and avoiding triggers like smoke, pollution, and dust. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

Q3. What is the home remedy for wheezing?

Ans. Some possible home remedies for wheezing include drinking warm liquids, using a humidifier or steam inhalation, consuming honey or ginger, and practicing breathing exercises. However, it is important to consult a doctor if symptoms persist or worsen.


Thus, through today’s article, we have tried to share all kinds of information related to wheezing with you. Which includes content like what is wheezing, what are the symptoms of wheezing, what are the causes of wheezing and how to protect yourself from wheezing. The purpose of this article is to inform you about the symptoms of wheezing in the future so that you can take appropriate treatment. We hope that you have liked this article of ours.


  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.