Medical Billing Denial Codes and Reasons (2025)

Denials management is the most important work in medical billing because if any claim is not paid and denied from insurance companies due to any reason, it is medical billing company’s responsibility to handle the received medical billing denial codes appropriately and try their best to re-process the claim and receive respective payment.

Claims that do not get paid, come back as denials from insurance carriers with a code mention by insurance companies which is known as denial reason codes. This can be due to posting errors, incorrect procedures, diagnosis codes, lack of information, medical records while filing a claim or missing/incomplete patient details.

Table of Contents

What are the Main Denial Reasons for the Delay in Processing Claims?

The following reasons for the delay in the process of claims in medical billing. Denials management is a way to collect more revenue from insurance companies.

  1. The claim may not have reached the insurance company’s systems. This is possible due to a bombed transmission or due to an error in the clearinghouse or within the insurance company.
  2. There could be delay due to backlog in insurance company’s claims processing department. They take longer than usual to process the claims.

Top 10 Denial Reason Codes in Medical Billing:

  • [CO 22 Denial Code ] – The insurance company may deny the claim stating that their coverage is secondary to the patient.
  • [Denial Code CO 16] – Sometimes insurance companies required some additional information or records of the patient.
  • [Denial Code CO 11] – An insurance company may deny a claim stating that the procedure performed does not match the diagnosis.

List of Denial Codes in Medical Billing

These codes are also known as ANSI( American National Standard Institutes) Codes

ANSI CodesReason
CO-1Deductible Amount
CO-2Co-insurance Amount
CO-3Co-pay Amount
CO-4 denial CodeThe CPT or procedure is inconsistent with Modifier
5The CPT or procedure is inconsistent with the Place of Service.
6The CPT or procedure is inconsistent with patients’ age
7 The CPT or procedure is inconsistent with patients’ gender.
CO 8 denial code The CPT or procedure is inconsistent with the providers’ specialty.
CO 9 denial codeThe Diagnosis(Dx) code inconsistent patients’ age
10 The Diagnosis(Dx) code inconsistent patients’ gender
CO 11 Denial Code The Diagnosis(Dx) code inconsistent with CPT or procedure
12 The Diagnosis(Dx) code inconsistent with provider type.
13The date of death precedes the date of service(DOS)
14The of birth follows the DOS
15The authorization number is missing or invalid
CO-16 Denial CodeClaim or service lack information. Required for adjudication.
17Request information not provided or insufficient.
CO 18Duplicate claim
19This work-related injury so its worker’s compensation insurance liability.
20This injury or illness covered by the liability carrier.
21 This injury or illness is the liability of the No-fault carrier.
CO 22 denial CodeCovered by another payer as per COB info.
CO 23 Denial CodeThe impact of prior payer adjudication including payments.
CO 24 denial CodeCharges covered under a Capitation agreement/managed care plan.
25Payment denied due to stop-loss deductible not met.
26The expense incurred prior to coverage.
27 The expense incurred coverage terminated.
28Coverage was not effective at the time service provided.
CO 29 Denial CodeThe timely filing limit has been expired.
30Payment adjusted, patient not met required eligibility like spend down, waiting or residency requirements.
31The patient cant be identified as our insured.
32The dependent is not eligible as per records.
33Subscriber or Insured has no dependent coverage.
34 Subscriber or Insured has no coverage for newborn baby.
35Lifetime benefit has been reached the maximum.
36Balance not exceeds the co-payment amount.
37 Balance not exceeds the deductible amount
38Service not provided by network/primary care provider.
39Service denied at the time authorization or pre-certification requested.
40Charges do not qualify for emergency or urgent care.
41Discount agreed in the preferred provider contract.
42Charges exceed fee schedule/maximum allowable amount.
43Gramm Rudman reduction.
44Prompt pay discount.
CO 45 denial Code Charges exceed fee schedule/maximum allowable or contracted fee arrangement.
46The service is not covered.
47The diagnosis(Dx) is not covered, missing or invalid.
48The procedure (CPT) is not covered.
49Routine exam not covered or service is done in conjunction with a routine exam.
CO 50 Denial CodeService not covered due to not deemed a “Medical Necessity“.
51A pre-existing condition is not covered.
52The rendering or referring provider is not eligible for service billed.
53Services by an immediate relative of the same household are not covered.
54Multiple physicians or assistants not covered in this case.
55Procedure or treatment deemed as experimental or investigational by the payer.
56 Procedure or treatment has not been deemed “proven to be effective” by the payer.
57Payment denied or reduced because payer submitted information does not support.
58Treatment rendered in an inappropriate or invalid place of service.
59Claim processed based on multiple/concurrent procedure rules.
60Outpatient services not covered when performed within a period of time prior to or after inpatient services.
61Penalty for failure to obtain a second surgical opinion.
62Payment denied due to the absence of authorization or pre-certification.
63Correction of the prior claim.
64Denial revered a per medical review.
65The procedure code or CPT was incorrect. Payment reflects correct code
66Blood deductible
67-68Not Allocated
69Day outlier amount
70Adjustment to compensate for an additional cost- Cost outlier
71Primary payer amount
72Co-insurance Day
73Administrative days
74Indirect medical education adjustment
75Direct medical education adjustment.
76Disproportionate share adjustment.
77Covered days.
78Non covered days or room charges adjustment.
79Cost report days
80Outlier days
82PIP days
83Total Visits
84Capital Adjustment
85Patient Interest Adjustment (Use only group code PR)
86Statutory Adjustment
87Transfer Amount
88Adjustment amount/collection against receivable created in prior overpayment.
89Removed Professional fee from charges
90Ingredient cost adjustment
91Dispensing fee adjustment
92Claim paid in full
93No claim level adjustment
94Processed in excess of charges
95Plan procedure not followed
CO 96 Denial CodeNon-covered charges.
CO 97 Denial CodeBundeled Services. The payment of this service inclusive in another service.
98The hospital must file the medicare claim for this inpatient non physician service.
99Medicare secondary payer adjustment amount.
100Payment made to patient.
101Predetermination- anticipated payment upon completeion of service.
102Major medical adjustment
103Provider promotional discount
104Managed care withholding
105Tax withholding
106Patient Payment option
107The related claim or service was not identified on claim.
108Rent or purchase guidelines were not met.
CO 109 Denial CodeCovered by another payer. Claim must be send to corrected payer.
110Billing date predates DOS date.
111Not covered unless provider accept assignment.
112Service not furnished directly to patient or or not documented.
113Payment denied as service provided outside USA or as a result of war.
114Product or procedure not approved by food and drug administration.
115Procedure postponed cancelled or delayed.
116The advance notice of indemnification signed by patient not comply with requirement.
117Transportation is covered only to closest facility that can provide the necessary care.
118ESRD network support adjustment.
CO 119 Denial CodeMaximum benefit has been reached for this time period or occurance.
120Patient covered under managed care plan.
121Indemnification adjustment
122Psychiatric reduction
123Overpayment refund by Payer.
124Payer refund -not our patient
125submission or billing error
126Deductible- Major Medical
127Co-insurance – Major Medical
128Newborns’ service covered under mothers allowance
CO 129 denial CodePrior processing information is incorrect.
130Claim submission fee.
131Specific negotiated discount on claim
132Pre arranged demonstration project discount
133The claim or service is pending for review.
134Technical fee removed
135Interim can not be processed
136Failure to follow prior payers coverage rules.
137Regulatory surcharge, health related taxes
138Time limits not met or appeal procedures not followed
139Subscriber is employed by the provider of services-Contracted funding agreement
140Patient health identification number and name do not match.
141Claim spans eligible and ineligible periods of coverage.
142Monthly Medicaid patient liability amount.
143Portion of payment deferred
144Incentive adjustment
145Premium payment withholding
146Diagnosis was invalid for DOS reported.
147Provider contracted rate expired or not on file.
148Info from another provider was not sufficient or incomplete.
Co 149 Denial CodeLifetime benefit reached at maximum for this benefit category.
CO 150 Denial CodePayer submitted info not supported for this service.
CO 151 Denial CodePayment adjusted as submitted info by payer not supported frequency of service.
152The information submitted by payer not support this length of service.
153The information submitted by payer not support this dosage.
154The information submitted by payer not support this days’ supply.
155Patient refused the service or procedure.
156Flexible spending account payment.
157Service was provided as a result of an act of war.
158Service was provided outside of USA.
159Service was provided as a result of terrorism.
160The injury was the result of an activity which is benefit exclusion.
161provider performance bonus.
162State mandate requirement for property & casualty
163The attachment referenced on the claim was not received.
164 The attachment referenced on the claim was not received within time.
165Referral absent/exceeded.
166These services were submitted after the payers responsibility for this plan ended.
167This diagnosis is not covered.
168Benefits are not available under this dental plan. Service considered under patient medical plan.
169Alternative benefit has been provided.
170Payment denied due to performed by this type of provider.
171 Payment denied due to performed this type of provider. in this type of facility.
172Payment is adjusted when performed by a provider of this specialty.
173Service was not prescribed by physician.
174Service not prescribed prior delivery.
175Prescription is incomplete.
176Prescription is not current.
177Patient not met required eligibility.
178Patient not met required spend down requirements.
179 Patient not met required waiting requirements.
180 Patient not met required residency requirements.
CO 181 Denial CodeCPT invalid on DOS or not active for Medicare on the DOS.
182Procedure modifier invalid on DOS
183The referring provider is not eligible to refer billed service.
184The prescribing provider is not eligible to prescribe the service billed.
185The rendering provider is not eligible to perform the service billed.
186Level of care change adjustment.
187Health savings account payments.
188Service or procedure only coverd when used according to FDA recommendations.
189Not otherwise classified or unlisted procedure code was billed when there is a specific cpt code for service.
190Payment is included in allowance for skilled nursing facility.
191Not a work related injury so not liability of workers comp insurance.
192Non standard adjustment code for paper remittance.
193Original payment decision is being maintained upon review.
194Anesthesia performed by assistant or attending surgeon, operating physician.
195Refund issued to erroneous priority payer for this claim
196This code is removed.
CO 197 Denial CodeAuthorization, pre-certification, notification absent.
198 Authorization, pre-certification, notification exceeded.
199Procedure code and revenue code do not match.
200Expense incurred during lapse in coverage.
201Workers compensation case settled. Patient is responsible through WC medicare set aside arrangement or other agreement.
202Non covered personal convenience services.
203Discontinued/reduced services.
CO 204 denial CodeService, equipment, drug not covered under patient current benefit plan.
205Pharmacy discount carrd processing fee
206NPI missing.
207NPI invalid format.
208NPI not matched.
209As per agrerement provider can not collect this amount from patient.
210Pre-certification, authorization not received timely so payment adjusted.
211National drug code (NDC) not covered or not eligible.
212Administrative surcharges not covered.
213Physician self refferral prohibition legislation non compliance or payer policy.
214WC claim adjudicated as non compensable.
215Based on subrogation of a 3rd party settlement.
216Based on finding of review on organization.
217Based on payer reasonable and customary fees, no maximum allowable defind by legislated fee arrangement.
218Based on entitlement to benefit.
219Based on extent of injury.
220The applicable fee schedule not contain billed code.
221Workers Compensation (WC) claim is under review.
222Exceeds contracted maximum number of days, units, hours by this provider for this period.
223Adjustment code for mandated federal, state, or local law regulation that is not already covered by another code and is mandated before new code generate or created.
224Patient identification compromised by identity theft.
225Penalty or interest payment by payer.
226Information requested from billing or rendering provider was not provided or insufficient.
227 Information requested from patient or insured provider was not provided or insufficient.
228Denied to failure of this provider, another provider, or the subscriber to supply requested information to to a previous payer.
229Partial charge amount not considered by medicare due to initial claim type of bill being 12X.
230Correlating CPT/HCPCS code is not available to describe this service.
231Institutional transfer amount- applies to institutional claims only and explains the DRG amount difference when patient care cross multiple institutions.
232Not available
233Services related to the treatment of a hospital-acquired condition or preventable medical error.
CO-234 Denial Code This procedure is not paid separately.
235Sales tax.
236The procedure and modifier combination are not compatible with each other.
237Legislated or regulatory penalty.
CO 252 denial codeA CO-252 denial code means that a claim needs additional documentation or information to support claim.
CO 253 denial codeCO-253 denial code means that the insurance provider has determined that the service or procedure performed is not covered under the patient’s policy, that is why denial of payment.

It is the medical billing and coding company responsibility to manage all denials very effectively and get collect payment from the insurance company. Company’s’ denial management strategy reduces the claim denial ratio and increases the revenue. Denial reason codes list updated by American Medical Association(AMA) from time to time.

Claim Adjustment Reason Codes | CARC Codes

CPT Codes List

Place of Service Codes (POS)

Revenue Codes List

Taxonomy Codes List

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The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.