ICD 10 Code for Dehydration

For a healthy body, it is necessary that minerals, liquids, vitamins etc. are present in sufficient quantity in the body for body building and all the elements that run smoothly. Excess or deficiency of anything can affect the internal functions of the body. Dehydration is also one of those disorders which occurs due to deficiency of certain elements in the body. As you all know that there is 70% water in the body, and when the water level in the body starts decreasing or becomes low then there is a problem of dehydration. Further in this post, we will know what is dehydration, causes of dehydration and diseases caused by it. ICD 10 code for dehydration is E86. 0. There are some other dehydration icd 10 codes which updated in below list,

ICD 10 Code for Dehydration

The dehydration ICD 10 code is E86. 0 and other related diagnosis codes are as under, also confirmed from ICD code lookup Tool

icd10 code for dehydration
ICD CodesDescription
E85.1Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis
E85.2Heredofamilial amyloidosis, unspecified
E85.3Secondary systemic amyloidosis
E85.4Organ-limited amyloidosis
E85.8Other amyloidosis
E85.81Light chain (AL) amyloidosis
E85.82Wild-type transthyretin-related (ATTR) amyloidosis
E85.89Other amyloidosis
E85.9Amyloidosis, unspecified
E86Volume depletion
E86.9Volume depletion, unspecified
E87Other disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance
E87.0Hyperosmolality and hypernatremia
E87.1Hypo-osmolality and hyponatremia
E87.21Acute metabolic acidosis
E87.22Chronic metabolic acidosis
E87.29Other acidosis
ICD 10 Code for Dehydration

What is Dehydration?

Dehydration is a type of disorder that arises from the lack of water or any fluid in the body, if you do not establish the lost water and fluid in the body within a certain time, then that condition is called dehydration. It is not a disease but can cause the birth of many serious diseases, although many times people fall prey to it due to diseases.

 Although dehydration is a common disorder that can often be seen inside those who drink less water, but sometimes it becomes fatal for small children and old people. Generally, it can be eliminated by consuming fluids and drinking water. But in serious situations we need medical help. Sodium, potassium, sugar, etc. are such minerals which decrease in the body during dehydration and the fluid filled in the cells of our body starts drying up, drying of the cells negatively affects the functionality of the body. Many times the balance of our body gets disturbed and we fall after getting dizzy.

Reason of Dehydration

Although dehydration occurs due to lack of water, but there can be many reasons why there is a lack of water in the body, we are going to talk about some of the main reasons, such as many times when you are sick or busy, you are not enough. If you drink water, or travel or camping, or if you are a fitness trainer, or if you do gym yourself, then there is often a problem of dehydration in these circumstances. But it is not necessary that this is the reason every time, there are many diseases due to which the body has to face dehydration. Following are the diseases related to them-

  • Fever- Dehydration is a common thing during fever, but if there is vomiting along with fever then the problem can increase.
  • Diarrhea- Due to severe diarrhea, a lot of liquid is removed from our body in a very short time and we become dehydrated, due to which we have to seek medical help.
  • Sweating- If you are a sportsperson or go to the gym, then there is a lot of sweating in them.

Effect of Dehydration

 Due to dehydration, there is a lack of water in the whole body, so it affects the whole body, due to this many times our physical balance deteriorates and we fall down due to dizziness. But due to dehydration, some important parts of our body work very badly. Kidney and brain are affected in different ways. Dehydration can cause severe pain in the kidney because the function of the kidney is filtration, so due to lack of water, the kidney is unable to perform its functions smoothly and its blood cells dry up. Although dehydration is not a big problem, but sometimes it also leads to death.

Symptoms of Dehydration

The most common symptom of dehydration is dry mouth again and again. When there is a lack of water in the body, the mouth starts drying. In this situation, if you do not drink water, you become a victim of dehydration. Rapid loss of weight is also a major symptom of dehydration, due to lack of water, the weight decreases significantly within a few days or hours. It can have some serious and common symptoms, apart from this there are many other symptoms which are as follows –

  • Excessive thirst
  • Absence of urine at all – In this condition urine does not come or even if it comes, it is dark yellow in colour.
  • Dry and cold skin.
  • Headache Muscle spasms
  • Being confused.
  • Weakness in the muscles.
  • Less sweating.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Shrinked and dry skin.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Increased heart rate.

How to protect our self from Dehydration?

It is better to prevent dehydration before it leads to any serious health problem due to dehydration. We have given below some important steps, by following which you can easily protect yourself from dehydration-

◆ To prevent dehydration, we should consume such liquids and foods, which have sufficient water content and can meet your needs. For example fresh green vegetables and fruits.

◆ Because dehydration in children and the elderly takes a serious form very quickly as compared to adults, so take special care that the elderly and children are saving enough fluids during illness or not.

◆ Avoid leaving the house in extreme heat and strong sunlight, try to stay at home as much as possible in hot weather because dehydration is a common problem in summer, if you are careless during this time, you can become a victim of dehydration.

◆ Those who do excessive physical work or do gym should pay special attention to whether they are drinking sufficient amount of water or not.

◆ On seeing the symptoms of dehydration, contact the doctor immediately and seek medical advice from them.

Dehydration ICD 10 Guideline

  • Dehydration ICD 10 codes are located in Chapter 4 (endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases) under the code range E00-E89 and Chapter 16 (conditions in the perinatal period) under the code range P00-P96.
  • The specific ICD 10 code for dehydration is E86.0.
  • Dehydration ICD 10 is the same regardless of severity or cause (e.g., radiation, mild, moderate, or severe dehydration).
  • Primary or secondary coding for dehydration depends on whether it is the main reason for admission and requires effective management.
  • If dehydration is the primary reason for admission, it should be code as the primary condition.
  • If dehydration is secondary to another condition, it should be coded as secondary.
  • Following coding guidelines and clarifying with healthcare providers when necessary is essential, especially when dehydration coexists with other conditions like acute kidney injury (AKI).


Q1. How many types of dehydration are there?

Ans. Looking at the level of water deficiency in the body, we can divide it into three parts-
1. Mild Dehydration – There is a shortage of water up to 3% in this, which has no effect.
2. Moderate Dehydration- It is less than 3-9% and the person may become unconscious.
3. Severe Dehydration- It decreases up to 9-20%, if there is a decrease of 20%, the person can die.

Q2. What are the symptoms of severe dehydration?

Ans. ◆Absence of urine at all – In this condition urine does not come or even if it comes, it is dark yellow in colour.
◆Dry and cold skin.
◆Headache Muscle spasms
◆Low blood pressure.
◆Increased heart rate.

Q3. Disease caused by dehydration?

Ans. Due to lack of water, diabetes can occur, there can be severe pain in your kidney, kidney failure can happen in certain circumstances. Imbalance of electrolytes can lead to seizures, low blood volume, kidney stones, etc.

Conclusion :

Through the post, we have tried to tell you about the causes, symptoms and preventions of dehydration. Dehydration is a common problem, mainly in summer, almost every person has to face it because of extreme temperature in summer. Because our body needs more water to function, that’s why we feel thirsty again and again. Although it is not a serious disease nor is it an indicator of any serious disease, but going through continuous dehydration has a very negative effect on your kidney and kidney cells can dry up, which can lead to leakage of blood from the urine, but this happens in very rare cases.

It is very important to have enough water in the body for a healthy body. But the water should be clean and pure, apart from this, regular consumption of green vegetables and fresh fruits will keep you hydrated. If there is a shortage of water in your body up to 20%, then death can also happen in that situation, so feel thirsty. But don’t ignore drinking water at all.

Note- All information updated from reliable and authorized source of information and USA gov authorized web portals and other source of information like CMSAAPC, ICD10data, etc. All content is used for information and education purpose only.


  • NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert)

    The author and contributor of this blog "NSingh" is working in Medical Billing and Coding since 2010. He is MBA in marketing and Having vaste experience in different scopes of Medical Billing and Coding as AR-Follow-up, Payment Posting, Charge posting, Coding, etc.